Issue: Headsets for tour guides

Rainey Evans, a tourism commission member wanted tour guides in Charleston to use headset so they would not raise their voices.  CTA was represented at the meeting and presented 10 reasons as to why this recommendation was not viable.


Recommendation did not pass. Never made it out of subcommittee.

Issue: Sunday bathroom hours at City Hall and Hazel Parker Playground

Sunday bathroom hours at City Hall and Hazell Parker Playground. Currently the hours are 12pm-4pm at both locations. Requesting hour change to 10:30am – 2:30pm or 11am -3pm. To accommodate visitors needs to use the restrooms during the morning hours.


Hours at Hazel Parker Playground have been adjusted to 11 am -5pm on Sundays. City Hall will stay 12-6pm.

Issue: Loss of mandatory testing in order to receive a tour guide license

How to procedure after ruling.


Work in Process. Check back for updates.